Legal Policies
Sovereign Stack, LLC (“us”, “we”,”our”) is located at 1202 Tusculum Blvd. Suite A, Greeneville, TN. All users (“you”, “your”, “client”, “customer”, “visitor”, “they”) will abide by the defined policies defined below.
Privacy Policy
Website Visitors
When you visit our website, your IP address and some basic information about your browser may be logged by our server logs. These logs are used to troubleshoot issues and block malicious attacks on the site. We do not sell this information to anyone. Traffic statistics are anonymously collected by third-party service Plausible. Please review Plausible’s data policy.
Phone & SMS Texting
If you call or text us, we may use your phone number to send response communication either by voice or by SMS texting. We may store your information for future use. We will not sell your phone number or text communication to anyone. We do share your information to a third-party vendor GoTo, as we use their services to communicate with you. Please review their privacy policies.
Terms of Use Policy
Website Usage
By using this website, you agree to use the site for informational purposes or to communicate with us for support or business purposes only. Attempts to use the website for any other purposes are strictly prohibited. If you attempt to login, hack, manipulate, or modify our site we will block your IP address from having access to the site. You may not register for an account and or request access to the backend or administrative areas of this site.
Phone & SMS Texting
Our contact phone number is (888) 982-2008. We do accept incoming SMS messages. By initiating contact with us via SMS you opt-in to receive response SMS communication for that conversation. You agree to not send any marketing messages to this number. All marketing messages received will be considered spam, and the number used to send those messages will be blocked and no longer able to communicate with us in the future. There is no need to opt-out of SMS communication with us as we will only respond to text messages that you initiate or follow-up on existing conversations that you initiated in the past.